[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2014/02/negative-space-logo-design.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOOjXTXvKtQendofvid
http://www.designcourse.com/videos/us... - Learn how to use negative space for logo designs. Watch as I put myself on the spot by randomly choosing 2 letters and 2 nouns that begin with the letter and then attempt to illustrate the idea of the noun within the actual letters using negative space. Try it, it's good for practice!

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Uploaded by DesignCourse.

Negative Space Logo Design

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-add-layer-in-illustrator.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zl7zSv2ZpQendofvid
We will teach you how to add a layer in Illustrator.

When working with complex artwork, it's always better to organize it in different layers. Layers in illustrator help in selecting small objects present in your artwork and would save you a lot of time.

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Step 1 -- Add a new layer

To add layer in Illustrator, we have to move to the layer panel section. In the layer panel, we will create a new layer by clicking on the respective icon, highlighted in the image below.

You will notice that that the new layer has been added in the panel and the total number of layers appearing at the bottom has also increased as a result.

Step 2 -- Hide a layer

The visibility column in the layer panel denotes indicates whether the contents of the layer are visible or not. You can hide the layer by simply clicking on the icon marked in the image.

Step 3 -- Lock layers

Furthermore, if you only want to work on a specific layer, you can lock the rest of the layers. In this way, the contents of those layers in Illustrator can't be selected and you can easily work on a single layer.

Step 4 -- Select a layer

If you have made a selection, an indicator is shown on the layers panel. This means that the objects that you have selected are present in this layer.

Step 5 -- Working with sub layers

Furthermore, you can create a new sub layer within the selected layer by clicking on the sub layer icon at the bottom. Once done, you will see a new sub layer created within the selected layer.

Sublayers allow you to combine multiple objects and images as different layers so that you can adjust each and every component of the artwork individually and non-destructively. For example, here we can hide the seek bar from the logo by hiding a sublayer within Layer1.

These are some of the ways in which you can work with layers in Adobe Illustrator.
Uploaded by howtechgraphics.

How to Add Layer in Illustrator

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2014/01/circular-text-in-illustrator.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPW15pwdyXUendofvid
How to create text around a circle in Adobe Illustrator, including a few considerations when working with text inside and outside of the circle.
Uploaded by goodcreativetutorial.

Circular Text in Illustrator

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/12/spot-color-gradations-in-illustrator.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67YjYr8Zh2Qendofvid
Tips and tricks tutorial for getting clean gradations in Illustrator for screen-printing tee shirts. I show the basic method for setting spot colors to a gradient as well as how to keep the gradient free from hard lines due to fall out of your halftone dot.


Uploaded by RisingSunGraphics.

Spot Color Gradations in Illustrator For Screen Printing

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/12/easy-swirls-and-spirals-tutorial.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8OHXC7n7GMendofvid

Applying Fill and
Stroke Colors
Apply Colors to an Object, Fill or
Select an object, fill, or stroke
using the appropriate selection
Click the Fill or Stroke color box
on the Tools or Color panel to
choose the color's destination.
Click the Color button on the Tools
panel to apply a color or click
None to apply no color.
Use any of the following methods
to change the active fill or stroke
◆ Select the Swatches panel, and
then click a color swatch to
change the color.
◆ Select the Color panel, and
then specify a color using the
◆ Select the Color Guide panel,
and then click a color swatch
to change the color.
◆ Select the Eyedropper tool on
the Tools panel, and then click
anywhere in the active
document to change the color.
◆ Double-click the Fill or Stroke
color box to open the Color
Picker dialog box, select a
color or enter color values, and
then click OK.
4Use Default and Switch the Fill
and Stroke Colors
Click the Default Colors Fill and
Stroke Colors buttons to revert the
fill and stroke colors to their
default values of black and white.
Click the Switch Fill and Stroke
Colors button to switch current
change the foreground and
background colors to their default
values of black and white, and
press X to switch the current
You can add colors from the Color
Picker to the Swatches panel. Open
the Color Picker dialog box, select the
color you want to add to the Swatches
panel, click Add To Swatches, type a
name for the color, and then click OK.

The Stroke panel makes it easy to change stroke attributes, such as
weight (width), position on the path, and its style. The weight of a
stroke represents the thickness of the line. A weight smaller than .25
may not print and a weight of 0 removes the stroke. In addition to the
width of a stroke, you can also specify the position (known as alignment)
of the stroke on the path (either center, inside, or outside) and
change the caps or joins of a stroke to sharpen or round endpoints and
corners. A cap is the end of an open line, while a join is a corner.
Changing Stroke
Change the Weight of a Stroke
Select one or more objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
Specify or enter a weight in the
Stroke or Control panel.
◆ Click the up or down arrow, or
Shift+click to change the
weight by a larger interval
Change the Alignment of a
Stroke on the Path
Select one or more closed objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
Click one of the following
alignment buttons:
◆ Align Stroke to Center.
◆ Align Stroke to Inside.
◆ Align Stroke to Outside
Change Stroke Caps or Joins
Select one or more objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
To change the endpoints, click one
of the following buttons:
◆ Butt Cap. Creates a squareedged
◆ Round Cap. Creates a rounded
◆ Projecting Cap. Creates a
square-edged end that extends
past the endpoint.
To change the bends on corner
points, click one of the following:
◆ Miter Join. Creates a pointed
join point.
◆ Enter a miter limit between 1
and 500. When the length of
the point reaches the limit
(default 4) times the stroke
weight, Illustrator switches
from a miter join to a bevel
◆ Round Join. Creates a rounded
join point.
◆ Bevel Join. Creates a beveled
(cut off) join point.
Style is what stands out on the page. You can change the stroke style
by applying dashes and arrowheads using the Stroke panel. When you
create a dashed stroke, you can choose to align the dashes around
corners and at the end of open paths or preserve the dashes and gaps
in the stroke (New!). In addition to dashes, you can also add and
define an arrowhead to a stroke (New!). After you add an arrowhead
to a stroke, you can adjust its alignment and scale.
Uploaded by Mayumi Kitahara.

Easy Swirls and Spirals Tutorial

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/12/advanced-inking-and-coloring.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmhDhJqdy8kendofvid
Simple Techniques for Making Complex Vector Art and Illustrations
Like my tutorials? Why not donate a buck or two! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...

Download the same file that I used in the lesson:http://www.claytowne.com/beats-diggin...

This tutorial deconstructs a vector illustration to expose the techniques behind the scenes and then I freehand two drawings from scratch demonstrating those same techniques. Topics include how and why to use layers to your advantage, how to use the pen tool, why and when you should use the pencil tool, and when it's best to use the brush tool.

Tech Specs for people who are into this stuff:

I use a Wacom Intuos 4 medium size tablet for all drawing. If you are a serious artist you MUST have a tablet. At the very least get a Wacom Bamboo. They're like $50.

I'm running a custom rig that I built myself back in 2009. It's a Windows 7 64 bit box with a Asus P6T Deluxe V2 motherboard. It's got 12 GB Corsair DDR3 RAM, a Pentium i7 920 CPU, a Nvida GeForce GTX 280 graphic card, six WD Caviar Black 1TB drives in a RAID 1 configuration. My OS and programs are on one RAID array, and the other two RAID arrays hold my files. I also have two RAID 1 external drives for additional backups. Rounding out the system is a Corsair XT 750 power supply, two 1000 watt UPS backups, a USB 3 PCI Express card, an eSATA PCI express card (I ran out of SATA ports with so many hard drives) a HD Pro Logitec webcam and a pair of DVD burners
Uploaded by Clay Butler.

Advanced Inking and Coloring

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/12/stroke-logo-with-adobe-illustrator.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWH1xzzHQdwendofvid
How to design a stroke logo using Adobe illustrator.
Uploaded by ShaieDesigns.

Stroke logo with Adobe illustrator

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-rotation-tool-in-adobe-photoshop-cs6.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1etVdK-ME0endofvid
Display panel options
Click the panel menu icon in the upper-right corner of the panel.
You can open a panel menu even when the panel is minimized.
In Photoshop, you can change the font size of the text in panels and tool tips. In the Interface preferences, choose a size from the UI Font Size
(Illustrator) Adjust panel brightness
In User Interface preferences, move the Brightness slider. This control affects all panels, including the Control panel
Search For Help box
Use the Search For Help box on the right side of the Application bar to search for Help topics and online content. If you have an active Internet
connection, you can access all content on the Community Help website. If you search for Help without an active Internet connection, search results
are limited to Help content that is included with Illustrator.
1. In the search box, type the name of the item on which you want to search (such as a feature, application, or tool).
2. Press Enter.
All topics available from the Community Help center appear in a separate browser window.
About screen modes
You can change the visibility of the illustration window and menu bar using the mode options at the bottom of the Tools panel. To access panels
when in Full Screen Mode, position the cursor at the left or right edge of the screen and the panels will pop up. If you've moved them from their
default locations, you can access them from the Window menu.
You can choose one of the following modes:
Normal Screen Mode displays artwork in a standard window, with a menu bar at the top and scroll bars on the sides.
Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar displays artwork in a full-screen window, with a menu bar at the top and scroll bars.
Full Screen Mode displays artwork in a full-screen window, with no title bar or menu bar
The status bar appears at the lower-left edge of the illustration window. It displays any of the following:
current zoom level
current tool in use
current artboard in use
To the top
To the top
navigation controls for multiple artboards
date and time
number of undos and redos available
document color profile
status of a managed file
Click the status bar to do any of the following:
Change the type of information displayed in the status bar by selecting an option from the Show submenu.
Show the current file in Adobe Bridge by choosing Reveal In Bridge.
Enter values in panels and dialog boxes
You enter values using the same methods
in all panels and dialog boxes. You can also perform simple math in any box that accepts numeric
values. For example, if you want to move a selected object 3 units to the right using the current measurement units, you don't have to work out the
new horizontal position—simply type +3 after the current value in the Transform panel.
Enter a value in a panel or dialog box
Do any of the following:
Type a value in the box, and press Enter or Return.
Drag the slider.
Drag the dial.
Click the arrow buttons in the panel to increase or decrease the value.
Click in the box and then use the Up Arrow key and Down Arrow key on the keyboard to increase or decrease the value. Hold down Shift and
click an arrow key to magnify the increase rate or decrease rate.
Select a value from the menu associated with the box
Uploaded by Czarina Yelena.

The Rotation Tool in Adobe Photoshop CS6

[postlink] https://illustratorvideos.blogspot.com/2013/11/manage-layers-in-illustrator-cs6.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz_RNP64kRYendofvid
Welcome to another Adobe Illustrator CS6 & CC Tutorial. In this tutorial we will cover how to arrange, move between, create, delete and select different layers.
Uploaded by MultiDesignMatters.

Manage Layers In Illustrator CS6 / Illustrator Creative Cloud (CC)


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