Applying Fill and
Stroke Colors
Apply Colors to an Object, Fill or
Select an object, fill, or stroke
using the appropriate selection
Click the Fill or Stroke color box
on the Tools or Color panel to
choose the color's destination.
Click the Color button on the Tools
panel to apply a color or click
None to apply no color.
Use any of the following methods
to change the active fill or stroke
◆ Select the Swatches panel, and
then click a color swatch to
change the color.
◆ Select the Color panel, and
then specify a color using the
◆ Select the Color Guide panel,
and then click a color swatch
to change the color.
◆ Select the Eyedropper tool on
the Tools panel, and then click
anywhere in the active
document to change the color.
◆ Double-click the Fill or Stroke
color box to open the Color
Picker dialog box, select a
color or enter color values, and
then click OK.
4Use Default and Switch the Fill
and Stroke Colors
Click the Default Colors Fill and
Stroke Colors buttons to revert the
fill and stroke colors to their
default values of black and white.
Click the Switch Fill and Stroke
Colors button to switch current
change the foreground and
background colors to their default
values of black and white, and
press X to switch the current
You can add colors from the Color
Picker to the Swatches panel. Open
the Color Picker dialog box, select the
color you want to add to the Swatches
panel, click Add To Swatches, type a
name for the color, and then click OK.
The Stroke panel makes it easy to change stroke attributes, such as
weight (width), position on the path, and its style. The weight of a
stroke represents the thickness of the line. A weight smaller than .25
may not print and a weight of 0 removes the stroke. In addition to the
width of a stroke, you can also specify the position (known as alignment)
of the stroke on the path (either center, inside, or outside) and
change the caps or joins of a stroke to sharpen or round endpoints and
corners. A cap is the end of an open line, while a join is a corner.
Changing Stroke
Change the Weight of a Stroke
Select one or more objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
Specify or enter a weight in the
Stroke or Control panel.
◆ Click the up or down arrow, or
Shift+click to change the
weight by a larger interval
Change the Alignment of a
Stroke on the Path
Select one or more closed objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
Click one of the following
alignment buttons:
◆ Align Stroke to Center.
◆ Align Stroke to Inside.
◆ Align Stroke to Outside
Change Stroke Caps or Joins
Select one or more objects.
Select the Stroke panel.
To change the endpoints, click one
of the following buttons:
◆ Butt Cap. Creates a squareedged
◆ Round Cap. Creates a rounded
◆ Projecting Cap. Creates a
square-edged end that extends
past the endpoint.
To change the bends on corner
points, click one of the following:
◆ Miter Join. Creates a pointed
join point.
◆ Enter a miter limit between 1
and 500. When the length of
the point reaches the limit
(default 4) times the stroke
weight, Illustrator switches
from a miter join to a bevel
◆ Round Join. Creates a rounded
join point.
◆ Bevel Join. Creates a beveled
(cut off) join point.
Style is what stands out on the page. You can change the stroke style
by applying dashes and arrowheads using the Stroke panel. When you
create a dashed stroke, you can choose to align the dashes around
corners and at the end of open paths or preserve the dashes and gaps
in the stroke (New!). In addition to dashes, you can also add and
define an arrowhead to a stroke (New!). After you add an arrowhead
to a stroke, you can adjust its alignment and scale.
Uploaded by
Mayumi Kitahara.